
Rubrik helps you achieve business resilience against cyberattacks, malicious insiders, and operational disruptions. Rubrik secures your data wherever it lives—across enterprise, cloud, and SaaS—making your business unstoppable.


Rubrik got its start in 2014, pioneering Zero Trust Data Security™ to help organizations stand up against anything that threatened their data.

With cyberattacks continuing to increase in both frequency and sophistication, our mission has never been more critical. In fact, last year, 98 percent of IT and security leaders experienced some kind of cyberattack. 52 percent of organizations in that group suffered a data breach, and 51 percent dealt with ransomware. But it’s not just the shocking number of attacks that bothers us.

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Rubrik Security Cloud

Rubrik Security Cloud delivers complete cyber resilience for your data across enterprise, cloud, and SaaS with: Data Protection, Data Threat Analytics, Data Security Posture, Cyber Recovery.